
2015-12-20 2015年會員周年大會暨聖誕燒烤日假中山南區-- 旭景農業科技園舉行
2015-12-18 Mr. Robert Ko( Vice President) & Mr. Fung Siu Ching (Vice Chairman) attend the Leather Resources Centre Opening Day.
2015-12-14 Dr. Ben Cheung (President) to attend " Learning Enterprise Award " of The Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries Limited.
2015-12-07 Vietnam Footwear Business Seminar
2015-11-26 Mr. Ben Cheung -- President attend HKJMA - Inauguration of the 14th Executive Director Committee & the 27th Anniversary Dinner Cum the Miss Jewelry Hong Kong 2015 Pageant Finals
2015-11-06 34th International Footwear Conference held in Korea.
2015-10-24 12th World Summit Of Chinese Entrepreneurs
2015-10-16 Visit to Nameson Group Limited -- Vast Success (HZ) Limited on 16 October, 2015
2015-07-15 The 17th International Footwear & Leather Products Exhibition --Vietnam
2015-07-15 Business Development Mission to Vietnam July 2015
2015-09-14 Dr. Ben Cheung (President) to attend Outstanding Import & Export Enterprises Awards, Awards Ceremony Cum Dinner of The Hong Kong Chinese Importers'& Exporters' Association.
2015-06-01 The 25th Shoes & Leather- Guangzhou International Exhibition on Shoes and Leather Industry
2015-06-01 7th International Footwear Design Competition 2015 an awarding ceremony
2015-03-24 3月24日 日前張煒傑會長代表本會出席香港塑膠袋業廠商會成立四十四周年暨第十三屆理監事會就職典禮
2015-03-20 張煒傑會長代表本會出席香港合成皮革暨金屬物料供應商商會第八屆委員會就職會慶暨春節聯歡晚會